Which children were you referring to?

Las Tunas, August 23, 2017
Mr. Ariel Santana
Santiesteban, First Secretary, Communist Party of Cuba, Las Tunas province.
Ariel Santana Santiesteban (left)
In your speech for July 26
in the capital city, you said that: “Such results mean that the infant
population up to 13 years of age has fluid milk assured.” I ask you which
children were you referring to? Because my son and all those I know around me
have never received a drop of that milk.
That milk production totaled
180 percent! How is it possible to lie about something as sensitive as such
vital nourishment?
We need an answer, because
it is truly shameful for the party dominating this country that neither milk
nor cattle meat are accessible for the ´people, but especially for our children
and our elderly who need it so much for normal development and health.
For years, the people have
been demanding that our right to raise cattle and use it according to our needs
be restored. This is a God-given right, as all other rights, in this world.
It is unconceivable that a
government that proclaims itself as the most humane and with the fairest social
system forbids us to raise as other peoples do. No pretext to justify that is
credible. Only a bewitched mind can believe it. It may be logical in India,
where a cow cannot be sacrificed because of religion, but in Cuba it is absurd,
an injustice and an abuse.
Pastor José Miguel Ramírez Pérez. Defensoría del
Pueblo (People’s Defense) of the Cuba Independiente y Democrática (CID) party
in the city of Las Tunas, Cuba. President of the Movimiento Cristiano “Pastores
por la Verdad” (Christian Movement “Pastors for Truth”), located at Pelayo
Palenque # 38 alto entre José Mastrapa y Rafael Martínez.
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By | 2017-08-29T17:42:00+06:00 29 agosto, 2017|Categories: Varios|Tags: |0 Comments

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